For over 30 years, Marcel Moreau has worked exclusively in the field of underground storage tanks (UST). His experience includes four years with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, four years with an environmental engineering firm, and twenty-five years as an independent consultant providing information and educational services related to petroleum storage systems for government and private sector clients.
Career highlights

1985 — Awarded a German Marshall Fund Fellowship to study European UST technology

1991 — Taught the first training course for UST regulators on how USTs work and how to inspect them

1996 — Present — Technical consultant and writer for 10 of the 15 widely accepted Recommended Practices published by the Petroleum Equipment Institute (PEI)

2002 — Testified in the Lake Tahoe MtBE trial, the first MtBE litigation to go before a jury
- 1986 — Co-author of the first published paper to describe the groundwater implications of the gasoline additive MtBE
- 1986 — Managed the creation of the first state- level certification program for UST installers
- 1989–91 — Technical consultant for the US EPA’s UST video training series
- 1993 — Taught the first training course for UST owners and operators on how to comply with regulations
- 2011 — Testified at trial concerning a gasoline release in Jacksonville, MD that resulted in a 1.5-billion-dollar verdict against Exxon
- 2013 — Testified in the New Hampshire statewide MTBE contamination litigation